No country can aim to attain economic and social development goals without addressing the issue of malnutrition. Poor nutrition in the first 1000 days of a child’s life can also lead to stunted growth, which is associated with impaired cognitive ability and reduced school and work performance.
Prevention of malnutrition in these underprivileged children is on top of the agenda of Kishalay Foundation initiatives. Keeping this in mind, Kishalay Foundation has adopted a holistic approach towards child care and gives utmost importance to a nutritious diet for all its children.
In order to cater to the required diet, we have initiated organic local farms that produce healthy grains and vegetables grown by our local farmers. These products are meant for the children of our early education centres as well as our sports academies established in several centres. The children, therefore, are apportioned regularly a nutritious diet, which would help them in their physical and mental growth.
Kishalay Jagriti Program :
We are happy to share that we have launched “Kishalay Jagriti” initiative, a Prenatal Nutrition program for expecting mothers involving Asha karmis. Prenatal nutrition addresses nutrient recommendations before and during pregnancy. Nutrition and weight management before and during pregnancy have a profound effect on the development of infants. This is extremely critical being an important aspect of overall nutrition requirement in rural areas and this will be our another dimension to our existing Nutrition program. We have started this with Ramgopalpur village at Basanti block in Sundarban. We have distributed some calcium, iron, and folic acid rich foods, with a focus on less dependence on tablets.
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